“Hypocrisy is the art of affecting qualities for the purpose of pretending to an undeserved virtue. Because individuals and institutions and societies most often live down to the suspicions about them, hypocrisy and its accompanying equivocations … [Continue reading] about Hypocrisy
Confidentially Yours
“Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness.”—Edwin Louis Cole At one time, we may have lived in a world where we felt it unsafe to share any of our secrets with anyone. Too much was at risk, we thought. We … [Continue reading] about Confidentially Yours
Reward or Treat?
“A 'treat' is different from a 'reward,' which must be justified or earned. A treat is a small pleasure or indulgence that we give to ourselves just because we want it. Treats give us greater vitality, which boosts self-control, which helps us … [Continue reading] about Reward or Treat?
Opportunity Cost
“There is an opportunity cost for everything we do. This is why we must have the awareness to ensure that what we are pursuing is really what we value, because the pursuit leaves countless lost opportunities in its wake. We choose one experience at … [Continue reading] about Opportunity Cost
Cellular Cravings
“You don't want to love—your eternal and abnormal craving is to be loved. You aren't positive, you're negative. You absorb, absorb, as if you must fill yourself up with love, because you've got a shortage somewhere”—D. H. Lawrence Do we have a … [Continue reading] about Cellular Cravings